The VERONET traffic control construction kit comprises a broad spectrum from pure engineering tools to certain traffic control algorithms at different hierarchy levels. Accordingly variable are the implementation requirements with respect to the applied solution modules.
The implementation of the VERONET vehicle control is done in the form of
- functional control algorithms in automated vehicles,
- functional control algorithms in advanced driver assistend systems,
- warning and information systems in connected devices.
In the regular case the implementation is done by the OEM or tier 1 or tier 2 suppliers.
Warning and information systems can also be implemented in smartphones or connected devices as aftersales equipment.
For the application of VERONET Node Control a traffic controller is necessary, which
- is able to choose different phase coordination plans on request of an external interface or which
- is able to select different cycle- and green times on request of an external interface or which
- is freely programmable.
In addition one needs the possibility to detect the current traffic situations by according sensors in real time.
In the case predictive control strategies are desired, the implementation of a VERONET Traffic and Environmental Prediction module is necessary.
If VERONET Node Control should only be used as planning tool then only a standard PC or an internet browser with access to ANDATA’s internet based online services is necessary.
For the implementation of VERONET Line Control
- the equipment of the according intersections with VERONET Node Control solutions and
- the ability for bidirectional communication between the line and the according node control elements
is necessary.
The implementation of VERONET can either be done fully decentralized or quasi decentralized, where only the decision logic is structured decentralized but all the communication is done conventionally via a traffic control centre. In that case the node controllers need to be connected to the traffic control centre.
If the VERONET Line Control should only be used for planning issues then only a standard PC is needed.
For the implementation of VERONET Net Control
- the equipment of VERONET Line Control and VERONET Node Control within the relevant traffic network,
- bidirectional communication ability between the Net Control and the Line and Node Controls,
- beneficially according sensor for the detection of the comprehensive traffic situation like floating car data or similar technologies
are needed.
In the best possible implementation the VERONET Net Control is interacting in integration with different traffic management systems like park management systems, variable message signs, route recommendation systems, etc. For that also convenient interfaces with these systems are required.
The implementation of the VERONET Traffic and Pollution Prediction only requires the availability of the according traffic and pollution sensor data in real time.
If the VERONET Traffic and Pollution Prediction should only be used as Data Mining tools for analytical issues, then only a license for ANDATA’s software Stipulator and Brainer is required.
VERONET Incident and Anomalies Detection can be applied to any kind of sensor signals and time series data. For the definition and calibration of the monitoring criteria only a standard PC and an installation of the ANDATA software tools Stipulator and Expectation is necessary.
If the VERONET Incident Detection should run in an embedded environment or integrated into other traffic management systems some adaption of the interfaces to the according systems may be required. The target platform should have higher programming languages like C, Python or Java available.
VERONET Scenario Management is an engineering tool, which can be run on any standard PC. For the scenario based representation of the traffic control requirements a license for the preferred traffic simulation environment like VISSIM, AIMSUM, or similar is required.
The VERONET Scenario Management is not dependent on the usage of any specific traffic control technology. Therefore it is not mandatory to use VERONET Node, Line or Net Control.
VERONET System Development and Rating is based on VERONET Scenario Management and therefor also needs proper mathematical traffic models (for example like VISSIM, AIMSUM, etc.) including models for the desired control strategy and traffic sensors. For the execution of the rating only a standard PC is necessary.
VERONET System Development and Rating is independent from the implemented traffic control technology and therefore does not depend on the usage of VERONET Node, Line or Net Control.