Automated traffic management for small, smart cities
Traffic Control with Artificial Intelligence for improved functionality
Cooperative control for connected, automated vehicles.
Best efficiency and safety of intersections due to most modern technology.
Statements & News
Directly from the inventors
because the copy is never as good as the original.
ANDATA is one of the inventors of AI based and virtual traffic control with numerous patents in the topic.
If you want to know more about the advantages and possibilities of Artificial Intelligence in traffic management and for intelligent traffic control under avoidance of nasty rebound effects, please consult us directly: +43 6245 74063,
ANDATA - decades of experience in the development and application of AI for complex and safety critical systems.
Recent projects
The concept of VERONET has matured for years and is being steadily improved, refined, and validated in according projects and initiatives.

IntIntSec - The intelligent intersection
Improvements of intersection efficiency and safety by modern connectivity with ITS-G5 and 5G.

DIGEST - Digital Twins of Road Infrastruture
Digital twins as instruments for scenario mangement in planning, development and operations to resolve traffic automation.

COPE - Collective Perception
Collective perception and cooperative information exchange to protect vulnerable road users like pedestrians and two-wheelers.

Connecting Austria
Virtual traffic control and risk rated maps as instrument for innovative traffic management upon the example of platooning.