ITS European Congress 2022 in Toulouse

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Meet us at the 14th ITS European Congress in Toulouse from 30 May to 1 June 2022.

We are at the panels of the special interest sessions

  • SIS29 Tuesday 11:45 Room 6: "Sustainable digitalization for all and now: cross-border digital twins in Europe"
  • SIS61 Wednesday 11:45 Room 2: "Smart road information models for all envirnonments"

Discussions and contributions will be about "ISAD - Infrastructure Support for Automated Driving", "distributed ODD awareness", "Digital Twins of the road infrastructure", CCAM, connected mobilty, etc.

Our focus is put on accelerating and improving traffic safety and automotive safety on the way to Vision Zero by connected vehicles, utilizing original realtime information from infrastructure by Digital Twins. Application examples will be ISA, Collective Perception, etc.

The intermediate results of the project DIGEST will be presented by our project partners from Logistikum on Monday within "TP15: AI, Simulation and Digital Twins".

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