FISITA World Congress 2023
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Before leaving for summer break, we want to make a short announcement:
The FISITA World Congress 2023 will take place in Barcelona beginning on September 12th.
ANDATA will immediately open the first technical session on "Integrated safety, connected & automated driving" with a presentation on "Criticality estimation for connected, cooperative collision avoidance".
Ex ante some key issues:
👉 Within the project DIGEST we began to define fundaments for Digital Twins of the traffic infrastructure, containing information for improved driving decision in Cooperated, connected, Automated Driving, which we call the "CCAM Decision Support Platform".
👉 Cornerstone for information exchange and cooperation is the definition of a common language to express observations, intentions, capabilities, and ODDs.
👉 The project COPE showed how such information may look in a generic way to avoid collisions between any kind of traffic participants, especially for vulnerable road user protection.
👉 Within the project IntIntSec we will incorporate such into a holistic Digital Twin of an intelligent intersection, finding the best compromise between vehicle efficiency (saving energy), traffic efficiency (avoiding congestions), and safety (staying collision free).
We deliver the control algorithms and the underlying technological framework.
Eager to see you in Barcelona, paving the safe way to Vision Zero. Stay tuned, more to come soon...
#FISITAWorldCongress #FISITA #futureofmobility #CollisionAvoidance #VisionZero #AutomotiveSafety #ADAS #CCAD #vruprotection #ANDATA #VERONET #projectcope #projectDIGEST #digitaltwin
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